

Created by Jessica Maison Judd

Discover the supernatural teenage Mary Shelley and the book of spells that made her a monster. Some spells are forever!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A great second day! No, a spectacular one!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 04:16:46 PM

I was going to wait to send out an update until tomorrow but we got some great news, and I had to share it tonight! Mary Shelley School for Monsters: Origins received the Kickstarter Project We Love badge thanks to the amazing creative team and all of you. Thanks for such an incredible moment! 

 As I was writing this update, we unlocked the first stretch goal! Every backer will receive the below desktop wallpaper designed by Mark Mactal on top of their other rewards. Yay!

Desktop Wallpaper

Anna Wieszczyk, the comic's artist, and I are working on a mystery stretch goal and reward. Looking forward to sharing more about it very soon! I am currently finishing the final review of the lettering proof, and Joel Rodriguez and I are entering the design phase of the book. Can't wait to share some sneak peeks with you all. 

What a perfect day. Thank you all again!

Here are two other Witchstarter Kickstarter projects that I backed this month.

Baba Yaga: Witch, Goddess, Demon or Alien?

I love reading about witches from different folklore, and Baba Yaga is a super interesting character to me which made this project intriguing.

This project in-depth look at the infamous Slavic witch like you've never seen before, including folklore, fairy tales and personal encounters.

 Baba Yaga 

Family Magic: Award-Winning #witchtober YA Paranormal

Family Magic is YA paranormal novel series. My mom's a witch. My dad's a demon. I just want to be ordinary... Sold! 

Sydlynn Hayle never wanted power, or to be her coven's heir. Too bad the evil coming for her family's magic didn't get the memo...

 Family Magic 

What an amazing first day! Thank you!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 10:14:23 AM

The night is still young but we had a wonderful first day. We met our funding goal just hours after launching. This comic will be printed, thanks to all of you!

Meeting that goal so quickly unlocked a special surprise perk, a mobile wallpaper featuring Frank and Shel at the School for Monsters. The art was done by Mark Mactal, the talented artist from the Pistil series and anthologies such as Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: The Terrible Twos and Nightmare Theater. I'm thrilled he wanted to do some pieces inspired by the Mary Shelley's School for Monsters world for us. He also designed the School for Monsters enamel pin. This was our fund-in-48-hours unlock but you all did it in just over three hours!

We are also ready to announce some stretch goals. 

I've always loved Kickstarter for discovering new comics and creators. I am so thrilled to be participating from the other side. We are just a few pledges away from hitting 2K and unlocking the digital Early Bird Perks. I can't wait to share more news, behind the scenes/making of tidbits, and perks with you all soon! 

Thank you for making this first day such a success! 

Have a wonderful night!
